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Elves for Elders Brings Joy to Rhode Island Seniors

Some of the very best ideas come from a single, striking experience.

We recently heard about a brilliant idea that stemmed from the simple act of making Christmas cards for seniors who are lonely or overlooked during the holidays.

As a home health care worker, Rhode Island resident Maxine Hutchins worked with many seniors in these circumstances, and began making cards for them.  As Maxine puts it, “One of my residents who was 92 said thank you for the card it’s the only one I got and that got me thinking. If that’s the only card she got she didn’t get a gift for Christmas”.

Thus began the Elves for Elders program, which matches donated gifts to seniors throughout Rhode Island. Each holiday season, Elves for Elders sets up donation trees at shopping malls and other venues, from which folks can choose a star that lists the name of a senior and their holiday wish.

Those wishes are for things that many of us take for granted: “magazines, word-search puzzles, baby dolls, holiday ornaments, blankets, paper, pens, stamps and envelopes, socks, slippers, toiletries and lotions.” This year alone, Elves for Elders will deliver more than 1,300 gifts to residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Running a charitable program of this magnitude is a lot of work, and Elves for Elders runs fundraisers during the year to earn money to support their work. This past year, the organization hosted a Christmas in August barbecue complete with food, drink, raffles and a cornhole contest; a Halloween costume ball; and a wine tasting event. The money raised in these events goes towards purchasing any remaining gifts that were not donated by the public.

Three cheers for Maxine Hutchins and her dedicated team of volunteers for making the holidays a little brighter for thousands of seniors across Rhode Island!

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615 Jefferson Boulevard
Warwick, Rhode Island